本文试验了糖精在多种溶液中的荧光光谱特性。确定了在1.0%碳酸钠溶液中荧光强度最大,激发波为295nm,发射波长417nm。在0.5—150mg/L 范围内浓度与荧光强度成线性关系,检测限为0.5mg/L,应用本法对多种饮料中的糖精钠进行了测定,与紫外分光光度法测量结果对照。回收率为96.7~100.6%,对含糖精钠为68.4mg/L 的质量控制样品进行了11次连续测定,平均值为67.6mg/L,变异系数为3.99%,相对误差为1.17%.
The specialities of spectrometry of saccharin sodium salt in several solution were tested.It is found that in the 1.0% sodium carbonate solution there is max fluorescence strenth,the exctation vavlenth is 295nm,and the emission wavlenth is 417nm。The relationship between peak strenth and concentration of TJ is linear in the range of 0.5~150mg/L.The detection limit is down to 0.5mg/L.The several kinds of drink were determinated by this method.The recovery was 96.7~100.6%.Determinate the sample of analitical qualitiy control forll times showed,that standard value is 68.4mg/L,average value of is 67.6mg/L,the relative standard deviation is 3.99% ,and the relative error is 1.7%
Heilongjiang Medicine and Pharmacy