作者报告了 Opalescence 脱色剂对牙齿漂白的效果,结果表明:脱色剂对四环素牙、氟斑牙、增龄性牙色变黄等有较好效果。
The author reported that opalesense decorlorant was a better bleaching way to tetracycline teeth.bluorine teeth and aged-yellow teeth 424 patients were being observated to evaluate decorloration of opalesence decolorant. To form medicine storing room with light care resim and plastic dental base by racuum for ming maching.Adding opalesence decorlorant into medine storing room on plastic dental bose and putting it on patients teeth before going ot sleep. and putling off next morning.14 days was one treuting course.For half year observation.The author revealed that opalesence decorlorant had significiant decoloration to fluorine teeth. tetracycline teeth,but no significiant effect on heavy teleracycline teeth.
Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine