
浙江省沿海与内陆地区成人居民膳食碘摄入水平调查 被引量:2

Dietary iodine intake level of adult population in coastal and inland areas of Zhejiang province
摘要 目的调查浙江省沿海地区和内陆地区成人居民膳食碘摄入水平。方法应用整群抽样法从全省范围内抽取舟山、宁波和台州3个地(市)代表浙江省沿海地区,金华、衢州和丽水3个地(市)代表浙江省内陆地区,每个地(市)抽取2个县(区),每个县(区)抽取3个街道(乡、镇),每个街道(乡、镇)抽取1个社区(村)作为调查点,对调查点中18岁以上成人居民采用24h回顾法和查询《食物成分表》的方法获得居民食物碘摄入量情况;同时在每个调查点单纯随机抽取100户家庭采集食盐样品,采用直接滴定法检测盐碘;并在调查点采集生活饮用水水样,采用砷铈催化分光光度法检测水碘。结果浙江省沿海地区成人居民日均碘摄入量为267.76μg/d,低于内陆地区(429.05μg/d,t=-6.90,P〈0.05);而沿海地区成人居民每日从饮用水、紫菜以及海鱼中平均摄入碘量分别为5.75、69.72、5.61μg/d,均高于内陆地区(3.25、35.27、3.43μg/d,t值分别为21.73、3.92、4.08,P均〈0.05);但沿海地区成人居民每日从食盐、海带及其他食物中平均摄入碘量分别为166.81、3.04、16.82μg/d,均低于内陆地区(355.15、6.14、25.81μg/d,t值分别为-8.76、-5.49、-18.56,P均〈0.05)。沿海地区成人居民日均碘摄入量低于碘平均需要量(EAR值,120μg/d)的比例为46148%(1029/2214),高于碘可耐受最高摄入量(UL值,1000μg/d)的比例为3.34%(74/2214),食盐在膳食碘摄入量中的平均贡献率为62.30%(166.81/267.76);而内陆地区成人居民日均碘摄入量低于EAR值的比例为7.61%(171/2246),高于UL值的比例为2.80%(63/2246),食盐的平均贡献率为82.78%(355.15/429.05)。结论浙江省内陆地区成人居民膳食碘摄人量达到中国营养学会推荐的营养摄入水平,而沿海地区则还存在一定程度的碘摄入不足。 Objective To evaluate the dietary iodine intake level of population in coastal and inland areas of Zhejiang province. Methods The cluster sampling method was applied to select Zhoushan, Ningbo and Taizhou cities from Zhejiang province as coastal areas, to select Jinhua, Quzhou and Lishui cities from Zhejiang province as inland areas, and two counties(districts) were randomly selected in each chosen city, three sub-districts(towns) were randomly selected in each chosen counties (districts), then one community (village) was randomly selected in each chosen sub-districts (towns). Adult residents aged greater than 18 were selected as investigation subjects, their dietary iodine intake in the past 24 hours was investigated, and the "Food composition table" was inquired to get the data of dietary iodine intake. One hundred copies of residential edible salt samples and drinking water samples in each of the selected community(village) were collected to detect salt iodine and water iodine by direct titrimetric and spectrophotometric method, respectively. Results The mean of adult residents' dietary iodine intake in Zhejiang coastal area was 267.76 μg/d, which was less than that in inland area (429.05 μg/d, t = - 6.90, P 〈 0.05), and the means of adult residents' dietary iodine intake from drinking water, laver and fish(5.75, 69.72, 5.61 μg/d, respectively) in coastal area were higher than those in inland areas(3.25, 35.27, 3.43 μg/d, respectively, t = 21.73, 3.92, 4.08, all P 〈 0.05), however, the means of adult residents' dietary iodine intake from salt, kelp and other food (166.81, 3.04, 16.82 μg/d, respectively) in coastal areas were less than those in inland areas (355.15, 6.14, 25.81 μg/d, respectively, t = - 8.76, - 5.49, - 18.56, all P 〈 0.05). In coastal areas, the proportion which was less than estimated average requirement of iodine (EAR, 120 μg/d) was 46.48% (1029/2214), the ratio which was higher than the maximum tolerable intake of iodine(UL, 1000 μg/d) was 3.34% (74/2214), and the average contribution rate of dietary intake of iodine in salt was 62.30% (166.81/267.76). While in inland areas, the corresponding proportions were 7.61% (171/2246), 2.80% (63/2246) and 82.78% (355.15/429.05), respectively. Conclusions The dietary iodine intake in Zhejiang inland areas has reached the recommended nutrient intake levels of the Chinese Nutrition Society, but there is a certain degree of insufficient iodine intake in population of the coastal areas.
出处 《中国地方病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期598-601,共4页 Chinese Jouranl of Endemiology
关键词 膳食调查 数据收集 Diet surveys Iodine Data collection
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