

Influence of Iodine Deficiency Area's Residents Dietary Pattern and Nutrients Intake on Urine Iodine Level
摘要 通过抽样调查,了解重庆市环境缺碘地区居民的饮食习惯,分析了膳食因素对人群尿碘水平的影响,为制订地方性碘缺乏病综合防治措施提供依据。采用24 h膳食回顾法,对重庆市两县居民的膳食摄入情况进行现况调查,比较各营养素摄入量。结果表明,两地膳食结构属于东方膳食模式,璧山县各营养素摄入量高于云阳县。结论:蛋白质、能量、维生素等缺乏可增强致甲状腺肿物质的效应、甲状腺素合成受阻,使碘利用率下降,尿碘升高,这可能是云阳县居民尿碘水平和甲状腺肿大率均高于璧山县的一个原因,应对两地居民进行科学膳食指导和营养健康教育。 To investigate the dietary pattern and analysis influence which from nutrients intake to iodine in urine,in order to provide the reference for control the influence of iodine deficiency,with 24-hours dietary recall to research two area's residents dietary intake,making a cross-sectional study to two counties dietary,analysis the influence from nutrients to iodine in urine.The result shows that the dietary pattern of Yunyang and Bishan belong to orient dietary,residents in Bishan intake of every food and nutrients is better than Yunyang's,the difference is significant.It concludes the deficiency of energy,protein and some vitamins can enhance the lack of thyroid neoplasm qualitative effects,and restrain the thyroxin synthesis,to cause iodine useless drops indirectly,urine iodine rise.This may be one reason that the Yunyang urine iodine and thyroid enlargement are higher than Bishan,to guide local residents have a scientific dietary and make nutrition health education.
出处 《广东微量元素科学》 CAS 2011年第9期39-43,共5页 Trace Elements Science
基金 重庆市"十一五"科技发展规划重大专项(CSTC 2007AB5034)
关键词 膳食结构 营养素 尿 iodine dietary pattern nutrient urine
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