西安铁路北客站是陕西最大的地标性建筑,也是亚洲当前最大的现代化大型客站。站场排雨设计重现期P=10 a,站前南、北广场重现期采用3 a,市政道路下穿铁路箱涵通道设计重现期采用5 a,其他一般地区设计重现期P=1 a,由此引出多个重现期雨水管渠系统的设计问题。在探讨、明晰多个重现期雨水管渠流量采用各重现期延续、低重现期乘压力系数的计算方法基础上,提出地势对排水安全的决定作用及克服区域低地势缺陷需要采取的措施。
North Passenger Station of Xian Railway is the largest landmark building in Shanxi, and is also the largest modern passenger station in Asia now. The design recurrence interval of the rainwater discharge of the station is P = 10 a, the south square and the north square of the station are P = 3 a, the underpass railway box culvert passageway of the municipal road is P = 5 a, and the other general areas are P = 1 a. Thereof, there are the multi-recurrence intervals of rainwater pipe system to be designed. On the basis to discuss and detail the multi-recurrence intervals of rainwater pipe flow to use the calculation method of each recurrence interval continuity and low recurrence interval to time the pressure coefficient, the article puts forward the decision function of topography on the drainage safety and the measures required for overcoming the low topographical defect of area.
Urban Roads Bridges & Flood Control
design recurrence interval, rainfall intensity, design flow of rainwater pipe, topography