This paper discusses the content and interrelationship of major element,large-ion lithophile elements(LILE),high field strength elements(HFSE) and rare-earth element(REE) in four rock types such as granite,poor-alteration granite,potash and kiesel metasomatic granite of uranium-bearing granite mass,Motianling area.The uraniferou potash metasomatic granite is shown intensive K-feldspar alteration,chloritization and poor hematitization,and the uranium content is related with secondary blotite intently.The uranium content in uraniferou kiesel metasomatic granite is relevanted to ferruginous matter which was associated with microcrystalline quartz.Dissect the geochemical behavior in different rock types,judge that the element which included in mineralizing fluid have been released from granite,uraniferou rocks were shown low K/Rb(L),low Ba/Rb(L) and high Rb/Sr(H) apparently,and the reinforce of uranium mineralization was accompanied with the decrease of K/Ba,Rb/Sr and increase of Ba/Rb value.The content of HFSE and REE were shown conjugate decrease and increase and HREE enrichment relatively in uraniferou potash and kiesel metasomatic granite.Submit that the superimposed of multiple phase mineralizing fluid accompanied with fault unsealing was favour of uranium enrichment,the characteristic of LLH and the decrease of K/Ba,Rb/Sr with increase of Ba/Rb could be acted as the geochemistry distinguish foundation of uranium-bearing granite mass.
Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry