本研究对SCID小鼠与BALB/c小鼠的阴道开口时间、卵泡发育、精子发生及血浆促黄体素(LH)和睾酮(T)浓度进行了比较观察。结果表明.2种鼠阴道开口时间均为40日龄.均在30日龄时卵巢出现有腔卵泡。但SCID雌鼠45日龄有排卵.而同龄BALB/C雌鼠未见排卵;SCID雄鼠 40日龄附睾涂片有活精子. BALB/C雄鼠 45日龄附睾涂片可见活精子。 SCID小鼠初情期似乎有比BALB/c小鼠初情期略早的趋势。2种鼠血浆LH、T浓度没有显著差异。
We have made a comparison between SCID and BALB/c mouse in the time of virgina open. follicular development, spermatogenesis. and plasma levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone (T) during and after sexual maturation. The results showed that the time of virgina open was 40 days of age and the first antral follicles appeared at 30 days of age in both of SCID and BALB/c mouse, However, SCID mouse ovulated during 40-45 days of age. In males. active spermatozoa were first seen in the slides from epididymas of 40-day-old SCID mouse and 45-day -old BALB/c mouse. It seemed that SCID mouse tends to reach puberty a little bit earlier than BALB/c mouse. The plasma levels of LH and T were not different between SCID and BALB/c mouse, both before and after sexual maturation.
Heilongjiang journal of animal reproduction