目的评价经鼻内镜鼻腔外侧壁切开联合中鼻道入路在上颌窦区手术中的临床应用价值。方法对2例上颌窦内翻性乳头状瘤,1例非侵袭性真菌性上颌窦炎患者行经鼻内镜鼻腔外侧壁切开联合中鼻道入路在上颌窦区手术清除病变组织,术中对该手术径路在内镜下能获得的手术视野进行观察,对该手术的优点进行评价。结果 3例患者均成功施行手术并随访6个月以上获得满意疗效,通过该径路可获得内镜下上颌窦各壁的暴露,对彻底清除病变有良好的视野。结论经鼻内镜鼻腔外侧壁切开联合中鼻道入路在上颌窦区手术具有微创,能多角度观察病变区域,更彻底清除病变等优点;缺点是手术操作相对复杂,损伤鼻泪管膜部可能性大,需丰富的解剖知识及熟练的内镜操作技巧。
Objective To report our experience on Trans-endoscopic nasal lateral wall dissection with middle nasal meatus approach to treatment of maxillary sinus diseases.Methods 2 cases in inverted papilloma,1 case in non-invasive maxillary sinuses mycosis were on operation on trans-endoscopic nasal lateral wall dissection with middle nasal,meatus approach to maxillary sinus diseases.To observe the vision which was get in this endoscopic surgery and evaluate the merits of this surgery.Results All patients were operated sucessfully and were followed up for a period of more than 6 months,getting satisfactory curative effect.Though the pathways available to endoscopic all sinus wall expose,the surgery should have a good vision to completely remove the diseased tissues.Conclusion Trans-endoscopic nasal lateral wall dissection with middle nasal meatus approach provides a wider vision field and allows for a thorough removal of maxillary sinus lesions and are minimal invasive effective.The disadvantage is that relatively complex surgery.There is the possibility of damaging the lacrimal duct,needing extensive anatomical knowledge and endoscopic skills.
China Practical Medicine
Endoscopic sinus surgery
Maxillary sinus lesions
Lacrimal duct
Inferior turbinate