The Ag-polymetal ore deposit at Bainiuchang area is situated in the southern part of Mengzi county territory, Yunnan province. The famous Sn-poly-metal ore at Gejiu city is to the west of it, and there is also polymetal ore(W, Sn)at Donlong which locats in the east of Bainiuchang. They are the westward extend part of Nanlin minerogenitic zone(Sn, W). The Bainiuchang ore deposit existed into tectonic upwarping in Cambrian stratigraphic core. The mineralized zone is distributed mainly in the crush belt superimposed on thrust fault along the unconformity contact plane, and the metasomatsis to wall rock was not strong. There is biind granite in Aewi ore block it has a wide and thick contact metamorphic halo, and presented also a mineralized zoning in the deep(temperature). Author of this paper has observed and analysed the ore mineral, and divided the mineralizing stages in ore deposit of Bauiuchang area.
Yunnan Geology