读写器的设计是畜产品可溯源系统的硬件基础和关键技术之一。采用自行设计基于CC1110芯片读写器的方法,该读写器可通过USB接口灵活组成基站式读写器或手持式读写器,大大提高畜产品可溯源系统的兼容性和可移植性。通过读写器的实际测试,得出下列结论:随着数据传输率的减小,通讯距离和信号强度都逐渐增加;采用60 kbps数据传输率,MSK调制方式,540 kHz滤波带宽时,读写器和电子标签可在90 m范围内准确识别。
The design for reader is hardware foundation and one of key technology in livestock product traceability system. The self-designed reader was proposed in livestock product traceability system based on CC1110 chip. This reader may compose the Base-reader or PDA-reader through the USB. The compatibility and portability would be enhanced in livestock product traceability system by using this reader. Through the actual circuit test for reader, the research drew the following conclusions: Along with the data rate reduce, the RSSI and communication distance increase gradually. When 60 kbps data rate, MSK modulation and 540 kHz filter band width are used, reader and tags can achieve good communication effect in 90 meters scopes.
Electronic Design Engineering