
第四代HIV1/2酶联荧光免疫试验在性病门诊筛查中的应用及评价 被引量:2

The application and evaluation of the fourth-generation HIV-1/2 assays in a STD clinic
摘要 目的探讨新的第四代可联合检测P24抗原和抗体的酶联荧光免疫试验(ELFA)技术,在性病门诊中的检测情况,评价该技术在临床上的应用价值。方法对8 495份初次筛查HIV-1/2抗体的检测者血清,采用ELFA和硒标法(金标法,DIGFA)同时进行检测,对其中任何一种方法结果为阳性的血清,送北京市疾病预防控制中心(CDC)做蛋白印迹实验(WB)确证实验。结果 79例ELFA法和DIGFA法均为阳性样本送经WB确认,结果亦为阳性;3例ELFA法检测结果阳性而DIGFA检测阴性的标本,经WB确证结果为2例不确定,1例阴性排除HIV感染。对其中2例不确定者进行定期随访,2个月后1例标本经WB确认为阳性,3月后另1例WB亦转为阳性。5例ELFA法为阴性DIGFA法为阳性的标本,经WB确认结果为4例阴性,1例不确定。该不确定者1月后随访,经WB检测而排除。结论 ELFA法因能尽早检测到刚出现的P24抗原,可以得到独立的精确的抗原抗体数值,特异性及准确性高,可将普通检测方法的窗口期缩短,可广泛应用于早期检测。 Objective To study the application and evaluation of the new fourth-generation HIV-1/2 assays that can detect HIV-1, HIV-2 antibodies and HIV p24 antigen among the clients in the Beijing You'an STD clinic. Methods HIV-1/2 antibody tests were performed on 8495 samples by the combination methods of ELFA and the gold standard method (DIGFA) . The positive samples for any method were sent to Beijing CDC and results were confirmed by the Western blot (WB) test. Results Seventy nine samples with positive results for both ELFA and DIGFA were confirmed positive by WB assay; three samples with positive DIGFA but negative ELFA were confirmed as 2 indeterminate and 1 negative by WB, and then the two cases with indeterminate results were found positive in 2 months and 3 months of follow-up respectiveiy; five samples with negative DIGFA and positive ELFA were con- firmed as 1 indeterminate and 4 negative by WB, and then the case with indeterminate was excluded because of a negative WB in 1 month of follow-up. Conclusions The antigen and antibody results can be measured accurately and specifically by the methods of ELFA. The detection of p24 antigen reduces the diagnostic window, when compared to traditional methods, and could therefore be used widely for early detection.
出处 《中国艾滋病性病》 CAS 2011年第6期677-679,共3页 Chinese Journal of Aids & STD
基金 国家科技重大专项"艾滋病和病毒性肝炎等重大传染病防治"(编号:2008ZX10005-003)~~
关键词 酶联荧光免疫试验 蛋白印迹法 第四代抗原抗体联合检测 ELFA Western blotting Fourth-generation antigen/antihody(Ag/Ab) combined assays
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