Forty patients treated by thyroidectomy received superficial cervical plexus block or electric acupuncture stimulation of acupoint Hegu and Neiguan bilaterally. All patients were random divided into groups of C, A_1, A_2 and A_3 on the basis of anesthetic method. Every patients were measured their serum concentration of Na^+, K^+, Ca^(++), Cu^(++), Mg++ and Zn^(++) before and during anesthesia or electric acupuncture stimulation and postoperation. There was no difference about analgesic effect of four groups (P>0.05). Serum Ca^(++) concentration reduced various level during electric acupuncture stimulation (P<0.05-0.01), but no difference between group A_1 and group A_2 (P>0.05). The results showed: 1. It made level of serum Ca^(++) reduced because internal environment of patients were affected by the signal of acupuncture. 2, There was no addition effect for the influence of serum Ca++ when electric acupuncture stimulated points Hegu and Neiguan at the same time intravenous injected Pethedine (1.3mg/kg). 3. It probably disturbed the value of serum Ca^(++) concentration when intravenous injected 5% Glucose during the operation, but it had not influence on analgesic effect. 4. Acupuncture probably made concentratration of serum Na^+, Cu^(++), Mg^(++) and Zn^(++) changed which had statistical difference but with marked irregular figure, the real causes are worth going further into research in future.
Acupuncture Research