
舟山海岛孕妇碘营养状况调查与分析 被引量:7

Investigation and analysis on iodine nutrition of pregnant women in Zhoushan islands
摘要 目的了解舟山海岛孕妇碘营养状况,为制定和完善科学补碘提供依据。方法抽取舟山市2个县、区中2个居委会(村)的105名当地不同孕期的常住居民,共采集碘盐、水样、尿样分别进行盐碘、水碘、尿碘浓度检测,并对调查对象开展甲状腺超声检查,采集血样进行甲状腺功能检测。结果盐碘浓度的中位数为0 mg/kg、均数10.21 mg/kg,合格碘盐食用率为17.47%;水碘浓度均数为11.55μg/L;尿碘中位数为98.72μg/L;甲状腺超声检查总异常率35.53%;甲状腺功能总异常率为58.10%。结论舟山海岛孕妇的尿碘水平明显低于WHO/UNICEF/ICCIDD推荐的标准,甲状腺超声检查异常率、甲状腺功能异常率明显高于全省水平。 Objective To access the iodine nutrition of pregnant women in Zhoushan islands and provide references for developing and improving scientific strategy of iodine supplementation. Method 105 pregnant women who were in different pregnancy period and local permanent residents in two communities (villages) of two districts were sampled randomly. Iodized salt samples, drink- ing water samples and urine samples were tested respectively to measure the concentrations. The thyroids of sample were checked by uhrasonography and blood samples were tested for thyroid function accessment. Result The median salt iodine concentration was 0 mg/kg and mean was 10.21 mg/kg. Only 17 of 103 salt samples were adequately iodized salt with a qualified rate of 17.47%. The medians of water iodine and urinary iodine concentration were 11.55 μg/L and 98.72 μg/L respectively. The total goiter rate was 35.53% and the total thyroid dysfunction rate was 58.10%. Conclusion The level of urinary iodine of pregnant women in Zhoushan city was significantly lower than WHO/UNICEF/ICCIDD recommended standards. The total goiter rate and the total thyroid dysfunction rate were significantly higher than those in other cities of Zhejiang province.
出处 《中国地方病防治》 2011年第6期411-413,共3页 Chinese Journal of Control of Endemic Diseases
关键词 孕妇 碘营养 尿碘 甲状腺 Pregnant women Iodine nutrition Urinary iodine Thyroid
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