
物联网产业系统成长演化机制研究 被引量:6

Study on the Process Mechanism of The Internet of things
摘要 物联网作为国家新兴主导产业,得到学界越来越多关注,但对于产业成长机制的研究多处于定性分析范围。本文通过揭示物联网产业发展演化规律,运用协同学自组织理论,将哈肯模型应用到沪深证券市场上物联网相关产业上市公司,建立产业系统演化方程,定量的论证了研究开发强度是物联网产业演化的序参量,得出了要将研发投入与劳动生产率的协同作为物联网产业快速发展关键的结论。 As the new leading industry of China,the Internet of Things has drawn much more attention from academic domain.But the study of the industry is almost in qualitative analysis.This paper is going to use self-organization theory and methods,so as to reveal the evolutionary process of the Internet of Things.And put the Haken's model into the use of the listed companies which are related to the Internet of Things on the security market,established a evolutional equation of the industry system.And we argued that RD is the foreword parameter in the process of the Internet of the Things.Finally,we made the conclusion that the synergies effect of labor productivity and RD is quite important for the Internet of Things industry.
作者 陈坤 武立
出处 《上海经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期97-104,共8页 Shanghai Journal of Economics
基金 <华东政法大学085工程卓越法律人才培育与发展(学位与研究生教育)类>项目的阶段性成果 华东政法大学校级课题<中国金融控股公司监管的法经济学研究>(项目编号BM518554)资助
关键词 物联网 哈肯模型 自组织 R&D 生产效率 The Internet of things Haken's model Self-organization R&D Production efficiency
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