
社会标签的规范性研究——学术论文标注 被引量:4

The Standardization of Social Tagging: A Study on Tagging Academic Articles
摘要 分析社会标签的特点,比较社会标签与主题词、标引词、关键词的概念,分析学术论文标注的作用与典型的学术论文标注系统,以图书情报领域为例,就用户的学术论文标注与学术论文数据库标引进行对比实验,显示出社会标签与受控的主题词的重合率不高的问题。详细分析实验结果,提出对学术论文标注进行规范控制的建议。 In this paper, we conduct a set of studies on social tagging in academic articles, which include analyzing the characteristics of social tagging and its impacts on organizing and accessing academic articles; comparing social tags with subject headings, controlled vocabulary terms, and keywords; and examining some representative social tagging systems for academic articles. Then using li- brary and information science as the example domain, we conduct a comparative study between users' academic article tagging and the indexing of the articles in academic databases. Our experiment shows that social tagging and controlled index terms have relative low overlap rate. In the conclusion, we make recommends on how to standardize academic article tagging activities.
作者 吴丹 王艳妮
出处 《图书馆》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期85-88,共4页 Library
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"网络学术信息的多语言表示与获取模式研究"(项目编号:09CTQ026)的研究成果之一
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