
理解经济发展与社会进步:基于国民幸福的视角 被引量:16

Understanding Economic Development and Social Progress:A Perspective of National Wellbeing
摘要 以国民幸福提高看待发展将成为新的全球共识。本篇论文从国民幸福的视角论述了经济发展与社会进步协调发展的重要意义,强调中国在步入中等收入阶段中应当把社会进步列为发展路线图的关键要素。论文分析了如何正确测度经济绩效与社会进步,并建议中国应当把与国民幸福密切相关的发展指标纳入政绩考核系统。 Development as the improvement of national well-being will become the new global consensus.This paper discusses the significance of the coordinate development between economic development and social progress and emphasizes that the social progress should be regarded as the key factor in designing the development roadmap during the stage of middle-income.This paper analyzes how to properly measure economic performance and social progress and suggests that China should fit some indicators relevant to national well-being into the assessment system of political performance.
出处 《中国软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期57-64,共8页 China Soft Science
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目(项目名称:经济转型过程中的收入分配与储蓄倾向:实证证据与政策含义 项目号:70903039) 教育部人文社科基金(项目名称:中国住房制度改革 房产分配及对家庭消费的影响 项目号:09YJC790162)资助
关键词 经济发展 社会进步 国民幸福 economic development social progress national well-being
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