In the Yangliu mine area, Huaibei, layered or veined intrusive magmatic rocks causing main mineable coal seams present phenomena of eroding, burning, carbonizing and thinning to a relatively great extent, thus their distribution ranges are hard to define on conventional seismic time sections and bedding layer-flattened slices. To define magmatic intrusion impacting area accurately, based on coal seam reflection wave amplitude, waveform, energy identity and discrepancy characteristics, using seismic muhiple attributes non-supervising neural network clustering analysis technology carry out analysis investigation. Interpreted results have demonstrated that the No.3 coal seam has no magmatic intrusion, while the No.10 coal seam obviously intruded, on its interpretation map has presented large extent yellow lumpy and veined features. Comparison with drilling revealed data, the coincidence rate can be 78% when using seismic multiple attributes clustering analysis technology to identify and determine magmatic intrusion, thus rather high accuracy.
Coal Geology of China
seismic multiple attributes
magmatic rock
non-supervising neural network clustering analysis