
中国银行业竞争与稳定关系研究 被引量:3

Research on Relationship between Competition and Stability of Chinese Banking
摘要 本文运用Z指数和勒纳指数衡量了银行稳定与市场竞争程度,并通过计量模型分析了两者之间的关系。研究结果表明我国银行业的稳定性和竞争程度在样本期内均呈现出波动变化的特征,竞争与风险之间呈现出U型关系,即在初期银行竞争有助于稳定性的增强,而随着竞争程度的进一步上升稳定性有所下降。 The relationship between competition and stability of Chinese banking is a debatable topic. We use the data of Chinese banking during 1993-2008 to conduct empirical research. First, we measure the stability and competition degree by Z-index and Lerner Index, and then analyze the relationship between these two variables. The result shows that these two variables have the character of volatility during the period, and there is a U-shape relationship between these two variables.
作者 高玮
出处 《金融发展研究》 2012年第2期73-77,共5页 Journal Of Financial Development Research
关键词 商业银行 竞争 稳定 市场结构 commercial bank, competition, stability, market structure
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