
血清胱抑素C评价冠脉介入术后对比剂肾病的优越性 被引量:2

To evaluate the superiority of serum cystatin C for contrast induced nephropathy in post percutaneous coronary intervention
摘要 目的探讨血清胱抑素C(Cys)与血清肌酐(Cre)相比较在评价冠脉介入术后对比剂肾病更具优越性。方法分析302名接受冠脉介入检查或者PCI术患者,均应用碘氟醇为对比剂,测定术前及术后1、2、3、5d的血清胱抑素C(Cys)及血清肌酐水平并估算eGFR。试验分为单纯冠脉造影组,PCI组,PCI术<65岁组,PCI术>65岁组。方法单纯冠脉造影组,术前与术后Cre、Cys、eGFR自身比较,P>0.05,PCI组术前与术后Cre、Cys、eGFR自身比较P<0.05,<65岁PCI组Cre、Cys、eGFR自身比较,P<0.05,>65岁PCI组Cre、Cys、eGFR自身比较,P<0.01。结论①与Cre相比,Cys在早期预测CIN具有优越性,②在老年患者Cys相比Cre是能更早反应肾功轻度受损的指标,③CIN的发生与对比剂的剂量相关。 [ Objective ] To assess that whether Cys C has more superiority than serum creatinine (Cre) to the evaluation of contrast induced nephropathy in post percutaneous coronary intervention. [Methods] A total of 302 patients received CAG or PCI was used ioversol as radiographic contrast medium, the serum eystatin C (Cys) and serum ereatinine level at baseline and for the following five days were measured and eGFR was estimated. The patients were divided into CAG group, PC/group, less 65 years patients received PCI group, over 65 years patients received PCI group. [Results] In the simple coronary angiography group, there were no statistical between Cre, Cys, and eGFR (P 〉0.05), in the P.CI groups there were statistical between Cre, Cys, and eGFR (P 〈0.05), in the less 65 years patients received PCI group, there were statistical between Cre, Cys, and eGFR (P 〈0.05), in the over 65 years patients received PCI group there were statistical between Cre, Cys, and eGFR (P 〈0.01). [ Conclusion] Cys predicts CIN has superiority than Cre in early days, Cys has an earlier indicator of response to mild renal function in elderly patients compared with Cre, The happed of CIN is relation of contrast dosages.
出处 《中国现代医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第33期4165-4167,共3页 China Journal of Modern Medicine
关键词 对比剂肾病 血清胱抑素C 冠脉造影术 血清肌酐 contrast induced nephropathy serum cystatin C coronary angiography serum creatinine
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