
用德语的帛裂之声作诗——保尔·策兰《声音》诗文之诠释 被引量:6

The Broken Voice of the Poetry——The Interpretation of Paul Celan's Poem "Voices"
摘要 保尔·策兰于1959年出版的诗集《语言栅栏》是诗人语言晦涩与诗文碎裂的开始,显现了诗人痛苦的生存状态和向往死亡的意念,标志着诗人的创作达到了一个新的高峰。其中的诗篇《声音》具有提纲挈领的地位,破解此诗中的隐喻、密码,重建诗文整体关联性,有利于理解诗集里的各种声音。纵然诠释此诗的学者如云,却鲜有以诗人恋母和死亡的恒常主题一以贯之者。诗学的个体与一般的辩证关系也在《声音》一诗的理解中得到体现:一方面,诗学文本变异了希腊神话,重构了圣经典故,凝炼了历史经验,从而抵达个人情感的深处;另一方面,儿子对母亲思恋的个体情状,通过神话和宗教的互文关系以及历史维度又超越了思念的个体性,进入到人类思念痛苦之普遍性。本文试图通过诗文碎裂性结构的分析,再现完整图像,解读隐秘情感,聆听策兰在德意志语言中发出的帛裂声音。 The poetry collection Speech-Grille (Sprachgitter) by Paul Celan, published in 1959, which represents the beginning of the obscure language and the poetry fragmentation and records the painful life as well as the longing for death of the poet, marks the new climax of his poetry. Because of the leading place in the collection, it is important to interpret the poem "Voices" (Stirnrnen), decoding the mystery and reconstructing the intact poetry, in order to understand the voices in the whole collection. Although many scholars have tried to interpret this poem, hardly one insists on the motives, namely the love for mother and the death. Moreover, the dialectical relationship between individuality and universality is remarkable in the poem: on one hand, it alienates the Greek myths, reconstructs the biblical stories and so arrives with the experiences in the depths of the feeling; on the other hand, the individual remembrance of mother, based on the intertextuality of the mythical and religious stories as well and the history, passes through personal feelings to the universality of the pain of memories. This paper attempts to reflect the whole picture by analyzing the broken structure of the poetry and elucidate the motives of death and love, so one can hear the voices of the German poetry with language debris.
作者 吴建广
机构地区 同济大学德语系
出处 《同济大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期1-14,共14页 Journal of Tongji University:Social Science Edition
基金 教育部人文社会科学"对人性灾难的诗学反思--战后德语文学语境中的策兰诗文"项目阶段性成果(项目编号:07JA752005) 同济大学"211"三期重点建设项目"欧洲哲学与文化"(项目编号:102110)成果
关键词 《声音》 语言碎片 爱情 死亡 "Voices" language debris love death
  • 相关文献


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  • 2Christine Ivanovic: "Stimmen", in: Jtirgen Lehmann (Hrsg.) : Kommentar zu Paul Celans Sprachgitter. Heidelberg: Winter, 2005, S. 75.
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  • 9Jurgen Lehmann (Hrsg.) : Kommentar zu Paul Celans "Niemandsrose". Heidelberg: Winter, 1997.
  • 10Hans-Michael Speier (Hrsg.):Interpretation - Gedichte yon Paul Celan. Stuttgart, Reclam, 2002.


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