
黑龙江省地方性氟中毒重病区流行病学现况典型调查 被引量:2

Epidemiological survey on the severe endemic fluorosis areas in Heilongjiang province
摘要 目的了解黑龙江省饮水型地方性氛中毒重病区现状,为制订地氟病防治策略及政府科学决策提 供依据。方法采用现况典型调查。结果调查了6个县15个病区村屯,按8~12岁儿童氟斑牙指数划分,病情 呈显著流行的有安达羊草1、2屯(3.06);呈较显著流行的有肇州平等(2.20);呈中等流行的有林甸福发(1.64)、 肇州双兴(1.96)、肇东尚家(1.86)、安达爱国(1.42)、肇东海城(1.57)和新光(1.22)6个点区。有12(80%)个村屯 水氟均值超标,最高的安达羊草1、2屯为7.89mg/L。结论确定了肇东、安达市(县)是黑龙江省重病区,还查明 了肇州、林甸也是黑龙江省重病区。 Objective Understand recent condition of the drinking water type of endemic fluorosis areas in Heilongjiang province, and provided information for government to make scientific decision and control plan. Methods On-the-spot survey was carried out with the prevalence typical survey. Results Fifteen village of endemic fluorosic in six counties of Heilongjiang province were invegtigated. According to dental fluorosis index, in First - second group of Yancao village of Anda county the state of dental fluorosis reached severe level (index was 3.06) and in the Pingdeng village of Zhaozhou county (2.20) reached secondary severe level. In Shangjia (1. 86), Haicheng (1. 57) and Xinguang, (1.22 ) villages of Zhaodong county, Shuangxing village of Zhaozhou county (1.96), Fufa village of Lindian county (1. 64), dental fluorosis state showed moderate level. Fluoride content in drinking water was seriously over the national standard (1. 0mg/L), and the highest concentration (7. 89mg/L) in First-second group of Yangcao was as high as 7. 9 times of the national standard. Conclusion The author con firmed that Zhaodong and Anda counties were the severe endemic fluorosis areas in Heilongjiang province and discovered that Zhaozhou and Lindian counties were also the severe endemic fluorosis areas in Heilongjiang province.
出处 《中国地方病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2000年第2期113-115,共3页 Chinese Jouranl of Endemiology
基金 黑龙江省卫生厅委托课题
关键词 地方性氟中毒 流行病学 黑龙江 Endemic Fluorosis Epidemiology Prevalence typical survey Heilongjiang province
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