目的通过对7例(7只眼)患者眼科术后暴发眼前节毒性反应综合征(toxic anterior segment syndrome,TASS)诊治经过的体会,寻找TASS的发病原因,探讨治疗方法并观察其预后。方法在2009年8月2周内的白内障手术及玻璃体切割联合白内障手术中发生TASS7例,立即对产生原因进行调查,同时对患者全身及眼局部应用抗菌素和糖皮质激素治疗,持续观察15d,随访6个月。结果考虑发生TASS的原因可能与手术器械消毒过程中应用的去离子水有关。7例患者治疗15d后炎症稳定,视力与发病前比,无差异。随访6个月,所有患者无眼部炎症表现,人工晶状体表面无渗出物及色素沉着,虹膜无粘连,眼压正常。结论TASS发生后,如能早期诊断及有效治疗,预后是良好的。
Objective To evaluate the treatment process for toxic anterior segment syndrome (TASS), to found out the effective treatment method and to observe its prognosis. Methods A total of 7 cases (7 eyes) were confirmed with TASS by clinical situations in two weeks. Patients were treated with systemic and local administration of antibiotics. All patients were kept observation for 15 days, and were followed up for 6 months. Results After administrated with antibiotics and glucocorticoid for 10 days, inflammation was steady. No ocular abnormality was seen in 6 months following up. Conclusions Good prognostic results will be achieved with correct analysis and criterion and effective treatment to TASS.
Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology