
产业转移背景下产业集群发展研究述评 被引量:5

Research Review on Development of Industrial Clusters Under Industrial Transfer
摘要 伴随着区域分工向价值链分工的深化,产业转移、产业集群、产业升级的关系更加密切。通过回顾产业转移与产业集群发展趋势与规律的理论研究,对产业转移背景下的产业集群生成与发展进行了探讨,指出了该领域研究存在的不足及未来趋势。主要不足有:产业转移的理论和国内实证缺少耦合;针对国内价值链视角下的产业转移和产业集群研究以及对产业承接地产业集群效应的政策研究都偏弱;承接产业转移示范区内产业集群升级的理论还不够完善。在分工深化的背景下,只有将产业转移与产业集群纳入统一的理论分析框架中,对于现实的产业聚集现象的分析才有严密的逻辑基础和坚实的理论依据。 With the deepening of transferring from regional division to value chain division,industrial transfer,industrial clusters,and industrial upgrade are closely related.Based on the review of the trends and rules of industrial transfer and clusters development,this paper first discusses the industrial clusters' development on the background of industrial transfer and then points out shortages and future trends in the study of this field.The main shortages are:the industrial transfer theory and internal positive study are short of interconnections;study on industrial transfer and industrial clusters under the perspective of value chain as well as the study on policy in effectiveness of industry's undertaking real estate industrial clusters are quite weak and the theory in undertaking industrial cluster's upgrading in industrial transferring pilot area is still imperfect.In the context of deepening labor division,the only way to lay the solid foundation for meticulous logic and realistic study on industrial cluster is to incorporate the industrial transfer and industrial cluster into a unified theoretical framework.
作者 王凯
出处 《华中农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第3期95-99,共5页 Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 广西软科学研究项目"西江经济带产业聚集与流域协调的机制研究与实证分析"([2010]191)
关键词 全球价值链 产业转移 产业集群 集群发展 研究述评 global value chain industry transfer industrial clusters cluster development research review
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