目的 :探讨引起真菌性鼻窦炎的致病真菌及与临床的关系 ,为临床医师提供诊断依据 ,指导治疗。方法 :对 10 0例真菌性鼻窦炎患者 ,通过行鼻内窥镜手术所取的窦腔内容物送病理诊断的同时 ,行标本直接涂片镜检 ,接种培养 ,菌种鉴定。结果 :直接镜检霉菌阳性 98例 ;接种培养霉菌阳性 37株 ,其中曲霉菌属 31株 ,包括烟曲霉 14株 ,黄曲霉 10株 ,构巢曲霉 3株 ,灰绿曲霉 1株 ,并发现 3株曲霉新种被分别命名为北京曲霉 ,齐祖同曲霉 ,王端礼曲霉。其它种霉菌有少根根霉 1株 ,尖端足分支菌 3株 ,波氏假性霉样真菌 1株 ,链格孢子菌 1株。结论 :真菌性鼻窦炎的致病真菌以曲霉菌属为主 。
The mycotic pathogenic agents were isolated from 100 patients with mycotogenic sinusitis from 1992 to 1998.There were 36 males and 64 females,ranging in age from 31 to 73 years old which were diagnosed by pathology including maxillitis in 83,ethmoiditis in 12,and sphenoiditis in 5.Result showed that the positive mycotic pathogenic agents were 37 fungus,among which were Aspergillus group in 31 (A.Fumigatus in 14,A.Flavus in 10,A.Nidulans in 3,A Glaucus in 1,and new agents in 3 named as A.Beijingensis,A.Qizutongii,and A.Wangduanlii respectively),Rhizopus Arrhizus Fischer in 1,S.Apiosperimum in 3,P.Boydii in 1,and A.Alternaria in 1.The positive rate of Aspergillus was 83 8%(31 in 37) which was a preponderant pathogenic agent in mycotogenic sinusitis. [Chinese Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg,2000;7(1):9~13 From the Department of Dermatology,Affiliated Beijing Tongren Hospital of Capital University of Medical Sciences,Beijing,100730 (Dr.Yang Xiumin)]
Chinese Arch Otolaryngology-Head Neck Surg