
从与OV-VO相关和不相关参项考察普通话的语序类型 被引量:49

Word Order Type of Mandarin Chinese Revisited on Pairs of Grammatical Elements Correlated and Uncorrelated with OV-VO
摘要 文章以类型学中与OV-VO语序类型相关的15对语法组配及无关的7种语法组配为参照逐一考察现代汉语普通话的语序类型。在15对与分枝方向相关的语法组配中,普通话存在10组配对,另5对语法组配阙如或不够典型,7组不相关语法组配中普通话没有特殊表现。考察结果发现,10组相关语法组配中,普通话有4组兼有OV和VO组配,有3组倾向于OV组配,3组倾向于VO组配,因此普通话属于较为典型的OV和VO的混合语。 This paper revisits the word order type of Mandarin Chinese based on the fifteen pairs of grammatical elements correlated with VO-OV language types and other seven uncorrelated pairs. Among the correlated fifteen pairs, ten are relevant to Mandarin Chinese and the other five absent or atypical, while the seven uncorrelated pairs do not show exotic cases. The research indicates that, in the correlated ten pairs, Mandarin Chinese has four pairs exhibiting both OV and VO word orders, three pairs tend to be OV order, and the last three VO order. So Mandarin Chinese should probably be regarded as an OV-VO mixed word order type language.
出处 《外国语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第2期22-29,共8页 Journal of Foreign Languages
关键词 语序类型 相关蕴含 普通话 语序混合语 左右分枝 语法配置 word order type correlated implication Mandarin Chinese mixed word order left-right branching grammatical combination
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