
基于内需的经济全球化:中国分享第二波全球化红利的战略选择 被引量:128

Basing Globalized Economy on Domestic Demand:A Strategy for China to Share the Dividend from the Second Wave of Globalization
摘要 中国以出口导向为特征的第一波经济全球化,其内核可以概括为"利用别国的市场用足本国的低端生产要素"。这一波全球化的红利已经透支。中国加入或者参与第二波经济全球化的发展战略,是要在扩大内需条件下实施深度全球化战略,或者发展基于内需的全球化经济。这一波经济全球化特征,可以概括为"利用本国的市场用足国外的高级生产要素,尤其是利用其创新要素发展本国的创新经济"。抓住第二波经济全球化机遇的目的,既是为了中国与世界的再平衡,消除世界经济下行趋势下我国过剩产能的困境,更是为了利用国外经济危机给中国引进高级要素所带来的加速发展机遇,大力发展创新经济。 The first wave of globalization in China may be essentially understood as "making full use of markets in other countries and of downscale production factors",and the dividend from this wave turns to be an overdraft.To involve itself in the second wave of globalization,China needs further globalize its economy through domestic demand.The core of the second wave of globalization can be summarized as "making best use of domestic markets and high-end agents of production(innovation in especial)".To be engaged in the second wave of globalization means to keep China and the world in a new balance,to prevent world economy from a further slip down and to keep China away from a surplus of production capacity.Moreover,it brings forth opportunities for China to take advantage of those high-end agents of production during the world economy crises so as to develop an innovative economy in China.
作者 刘志彪
出处 《南京大学学报(哲学.人文科学.社会科学)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第2期51-59,159,共9页 Journal of Nanjing University(Philosophy,Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(11JJD790036)
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