3F. Nietzsche, The will to power, (W. Kaufmann, ed. ) , New York: Random House, 1967,p. 461.
4B. Russell, Truth and falsehood. Problems of philosophy,New York : Henry Holt, 1912, p. 121.
5W. Quine, From a logical point of view : Nine logico-philosophical essays, Cambridge, MA : Harvard University Press, 1953.
6W. Pippert,An ethics of news.. A reporter' s search for truth. Washington, D. C. : Georgetown University Press, 1959, p. 11.
7D. Bonhoeffer, Ethics (N. H. Smith, Trans. ), New York: Macmillan. 1995, p. 5.
8C. Geertz, The Interpretation of Culture, New York : Basic Books, 1973, pp. 3 - 30.
9Stephen Ward, Ethics and the media :An introduction. Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press,2011, p. 2.
10T. Bivins, The future of public relations and advertising ethics, InT. W. Cooper, C. G. Christians, & A. S. Babilli (Eds.), An ethics trajectory: Visions of media past, present and yet to come (pp. 233-238), Urbana: University of Illinois/Institute of Communications Research,2008, p. 234.