目的 :探讨胎儿卵巢的体外保存方法。方法 :将 16例 2 0~ 2 8周的胎儿卵巢置于含 1.41mol/L的二甲基亚砜 (DMSO)培养液中 ,采用三步降温法投入液氮保存 ,复苏时采用 40℃水浴快速复温和室温下慢复温 ,然后进行组织培养并观察卵泡发育和雌二醇 (E2 )分泌情况。结果 :胎儿卵巢冻存后复苏培养 ,其卵泡仍能继续发育并产生E2 ;快速复温组卵泡组织形态良好 ,并能维持良好的内分泌功能 ;慢复温组卵巢上皮破裂 ,E2 分泌量明显减少。结论 :“三步降温法”冻存胎儿卵巢效果好 。
Aims: To explore the method of ecto preservation of fetal ovaries. Methods: 16 fetal overies of 20 to 28 weeks in the medium including 1.41 mol/L DMSO in cryopreserved tubes were put into liquid nitrogen with three step cooling procedure. These cryopreserved overies were recovered with two thawing procedures fast thaw in 40 ℃ waterbath and slow thaw at room temperature. The frozen thawed fetal overies were cultured to observe the follicular development and estradial(E 2) secretion. Results: The follicles in frozen thawed fetal overies could develop further maturity and secrete estradial after culturing in vitro. The overies in fast thaw group could maintain good follicular morphology and secreting function,but the overies in the slow thaw group, the epithelium was completely disrupted and the amount of estradial in medium reduced significantly. Conclusion: It is appropriate to cryopreserve fetal overies with three step cooling procedure, and the fast thaw method could maintain follicular development and secreting function much better than the slow thaw method.
Journal of Henan Medical University