目的 研究重型脑外伤后脑血管痉挛(CVS) 发生发展及其与外伤性蛛网膜下腔出血(SAH) 的关系。方法 对30 例重型脑外伤住院病人[入院时格拉斯哥昏迷记分(GCS) ≤8] 进行头颅CT 检查,根据Fisher改良分级评估SAH 程度,并于入院24 h 后,第3 d、5 d、7 d、10 d 通过经颅多普勒(TCD) 对双侧大脑中动脉( MCA) 及颈内动脉(ICA)颅外段进行脑血流速度检测。结果 13 例病人为CVS,其中轻度6 例,中度5 例,重度2 例,最终发展为缺血性神经功能损伤;CVS组病人MCA 流速及Lindergaard Index 伤后即升高,伤后3 ~5 d 达到高峰,随后逐渐回落,但仍高于正常;严重SAH(Fisher Ⅲ) 病人组中,重度CVS发生率明显高于其他Fisher 分级组;CVS组与非CVS组伤后GCS之间未见异常。结论 CVS是重型脑外伤后常见并发症,严重SAH 亦可进一步增加CVS严重程度,严重CVS可造成脑缺血,影响预后。
Objective To investigate the development of posttraumatic CVS, its relationship with subarachnoid hemorrhage and influence on the prognosis. Methods Thirty patients having severe hand injury were admitted with GCS less than 8. All patients were examined by CT scanning. Cerebral blood flow velocities of bilateral MCA and extra cranial portion of ICA were monitored regularly by TCD, starting from the first 24 hours after head injury until day 10. Results Vasospasm, defined as Vm MCA≥120cm/s and ipsilateral Lindergaard index ≥3, was found in 13 patients. The time course of the velocities of MCA and Lindergaard Index of patients with CVS increased progressively after injury, reaching a maximum at day 5 and 7, and then maintained at high level, showing a significant difference between them and those without CVS. The rate of occurrence of severe CVS in patients with severe SAH was higher than those with no or mild SAH. There was no statistical difference of GCS found between them.Conclusions These findings demonstrate that delayed cerebral vasospasm is a frequent complication of severe hand injury and at least in some cases, may influence the prognosis.(Shanghai Med J, 2000,23∶16 18)
Shanghai Medical Journal