
Effect of the Interplanetary Electric Field on the Magnetopause From Global MHD Simulations

Effect of the Interplanetary Electric Field on the Magnetopause From Global MHD Simulations
摘要 The north-south component B_z of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field(IMF) and solar wind dynamic pressure P_d are generally treated as the two main factors in the solar wind that determine the geometry of the magnetosphere.By using the 3D global MHD simulations,we investigate the effect of the Interplanetary Electric Field(IEF) on the size and shape of magnetopause quantitatively. Our numerical experiments confirm that the geometry of the magnetopause are mainly determined by P_d and B_z,as expected.However,the dawn-dusk IEFs have great impact on the magnetopause erosion because of the magnetic reconnection,thus affecting the size and shape of the magnetopause.Higher solar wind speed with the same B_z will lead to bigger dawn-dusk IEFs,which means the higher reconnection rate,and then results in more magnetic flux removal from the dayside. Consequently,the dayside magnetopause moves inward and flank magnetopause moves outward. The north-south component B_z of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field(IMF) and solar wind dynamic pressure P_d are generally treated as the two main factors in the solar wind that determine the geometry of the magnetosphere.By using the 3D global MHD simulations,we investigate the effect of the Interplanetary Electric Field(IEF) on the size and shape of magnetopause quantitatively. Our numerical experiments confirm that the geometry of the magnetopause are mainly determined by P_d and B_z,as expected.However,the dawn-dusk IEFs have great impact on the magnetopause erosion because of the magnetic reconnection,thus affecting the size and shape of the magnetopause.Higher solar wind speed with the same B_z will lead to bigger dawn-dusk IEFs,which means the higher reconnection rate,and then results in more magnetic flux removal from the dayside. Consequently,the dayside magnetopause moves inward and flank magnetopause moves outward.
出处 《空间科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期305-311,共7页 Chinese Journal of Space Science
基金 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(40674082,40974106,40921063,40831060) the Specialized Research Fund for State Key Laboratories
关键词 行星际电场 磁层顶 MHD 模拟 几何形状 行星际磁场 几何处理 太阳风 Dynamic pressure Interplanetary Electric Field(IEF) Magnetopause
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