本文对呋苄青霉素等五种B—内酰胺类抗生素与绿脓杆菌K799/WT靶位蛋白—青霉素结合蛋白(PBPs)的亲和力进行了研究。结果表明呋苄青霉素对绿脓杆菌K799/WT的致死性PBPs具有强大的亲和力。对PBP-1a、PBP-1b、PBP-2、PBP-3的IC_(50)值分别为0.13、1.03、2.89、0.014 mg/L。羧节青霉素对PBP-1a、PBP-2、PBP-3的亲和力仅分别为呋苄青霉素的34%,<9.6%,与2.9%。呋苄青霉素对绿脓杆菌PBPS亲和力与苯咪唑青霉素相似,优于氧哌嗪青霉素与头孢哌酮。
The competition of furbenicillin (FBC) and other four beta-lactams with 14C-penicillin G for the peuicillinbinding proteins (PBPs) in Pseudomonas aeruginosa K 799/WT was investigated. FBC showed very high affinity to all three essential target proteins in the membrane of K799/WT. IC50 value (mg/ L) of FBC for the PBPs are as follows: PBP-la 0.13, PBP-lb 1.03, PBP-2 2.89, PBP 3 0.014. In contrast, for the corresponding PBPs, IC50 of carbenicillin (CBC) are 0.38, 1.16, >30, 0.49 respectively. So, the affinity of CBC to PBP-la, PBP-2, PBP-3 are 34%, <9.4%, 2.9% of thes of FBC.The affinity of azlocillin (AZL) to the essential PBPs is similar to FBC. Piperacillin (PIP) showed lower affinity than that of FBC and AZL to PBP-2, but higher affinity to PBP-lb than that of other bet-lactams tested.Although cefoperazone (CFP) showed high competing potency for PBP-la, its affinity to PBP-2 and PBP-3 were much lower than that of FBC and other ureidopenicillins.The molecular bases of the stronger activity of FBC than CBC against Pseudomonas aeruginosa was discussed.
Journal of Peking University(Health Sciences)
furbenicillin Ps. aeruginosa K799/WT Penicillin-binding proteins