[目的]了解山西农村中老年人群心理健康状况及其影响因素。[方法]采用分层随机抽样方法抽取样本,利用自制问卷和K 10量表对其心理健康状况进行访谈式调查。[结果](1)共调查山西太谷县30岁及以上农村居民400人,其K10分值总体分布为21.94±6.63,52.5%的农村中老年人心理健康状况相对较差(Kessler 10量表评分在22分~50分);(2)分析结果显示,性别、文化程度、职业、健康状况、睡眠质量、家庭收入、预防保健意识等因素是该地K10高分的影响因素。[结论]当地超过1/5的农村居民心理健康状况高于临界值,关注与加强农村居民心理健康的教育问题刻不容缓。
Objective To know the mental health status and it’s related influencing factors of rural quinquagenarian in Shanxi province.Methods The investigation was by stratified randomly sampling,self-make questionnaire and Kessler 10 rating scale.Results(1) Investigated 400 rural residents whose age were over 30 years old in Taigu county of Shanxi province.The score distribution of K10 in total was 21.94±6.634.About 52.5% of them were in relative poor status(The K10 score was 22-50).(2) The analysis results shows that following factors influenced K10 score: sex,standard of culture,occupation,health status,sleep quality,household income and preventive health care consciousness.Conclusions Over 20 % of rural residents were in poor mental status.It is urgent to give attention and reinforcement to mental health education to rural residents.
Soft Science of Health