
现代科学体制化进程的案例研究——1660-1940年英国皇家学会发展规律及其启示 被引量:5

Case Study on the Institutionalization of Modern Science: The Developmental Laws of the Royal Society During 1660-1940 and Their Enlightenment
摘要 英国皇家学会是迄今为止历史最为悠久而又从未间断的科学组织,通过对其会员总数、专业分布以及会员成份三百多年发展历程的实证研究,可以从一个侧面窥视现代科学体制化进程的一般规律,对于认识科学组织如何随社会发展而不断变革完善自身结构,具有积极的现实参考价值。 The Royal Society is an uninterrupted scientific organization with the most glorious history up to now in the world.Based on the empirical study of its history of more than 300 years, this paper analyses its fellow numbers, specialty distribution andmember status, so as to get a glimpse of the general law of the institutionalization of modern science from a distinct aspect. Thisgeneral law can help us understand how scientific organizations gradually perfect their own structures to adapt to the development ofthe society.
作者 徐飞 邵月娥
出处 《自然辩证法通讯》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期70-77,117,共9页 Journal of Dialectics of Nature
基金 国家软科学研究计划(2009GXS1D011)
关键词 英国皇家学会 体制化进程 发展规律 The Royal Society The course of institutionalization Developmental laws
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