4Peter A. Facione,(1990). 'Critical Thinking: A Statement of Expert Consensus for Purposes of Educational Assessment And Instruction' "The Delphi Report", the California Academic Press.
5Paul.R.& Elder L. Critical Thinking: Learn the Tools The best Thinkers Use [M]. Upper Saddle Piver, New Jersey. Columbus.Ohio. 2006.
8Howard Gardner(1993).Multiple Intelligences:The theory in Practice,New York,BosicBooks,A Division of Harper Collins Publishers.Inc.70,xii,7,15-16,221,223,224,32,170,202,9,182.
9Howard Gardner(1993).Multiple Intelligences:The theory in Practice,New York,BosicBooks,A Division of Harper Collins Publishers.Inc.70,xii,7,15-16,221,223,224,32,170,202,9,182.
10Howard Gardner(1993).Multiple Intelligences:The theory in Practice,New York,BosicBooks,A Division of Harper Collins Publishers.Inc.70,xii,7,15-16,221,223,224,32,170,202,9,182.