The motif of escape in literature which is one manifestation of human culture has become one of the most important motives. As one of Morrison^s major themes, it runs through all aspects of her novels including characterization and plots. Most of the escaping heroes are from weak countries or races. By adding the motif of escape to her works, Morrison successfully makes these oppressed black people utter their resistance, and vividly shows the living state of black people in different eras, the physical and mental torture of black slaves, the spiritual predicament of free blacks in the mainstream white culture. Through analyzing the motif of escape in Morrison's works, the paper explores the culture implication and practical significance of her works, reveals the cultural orientation and values of American society, presents Morri- son's cultural ideal about black race and American society, which will help to further complement and im- prove the study of Morrison in China.
Journal of Liaoning Normal University(Social Science Edition)