In this paper we discussed changes of SV- type channel currents of Radish vacuoles successfully by using the whole- vacuolar patch- clamp recording mode when NdCl3 with different concentrations were added to bath solutions and pipette solutions. SV- type currents would increase and threshold potentials of activation would shift towards more negative values with the increase of concentrations of cytosolic Ca^2+ . When 2.5mmol/L NdCl3 and 4mmol/L EGTA were added to bath solutions, SV- type currents were suppressed remarkably. When bath solutions contained CaCl2 and NdCl3 with different concentrations free of EGTA, we found that cytosolic Nd^3 + had different promoting effects on SV channels. With the increase of concentrations of cytosolic Nd^3 + , SV- type currents got lower and lower. Finally we also studied the effects of luminal Nd^3 + with different concentrations on the channel currents in detail. We found that NdCl3 with higher concentrations had a strong inhibitory effect on SV currents, while NdCl3 with lower con- centrations promoted channel currents. This promoting effect provides an important basis at channel level for researching further the effects of rare earth on physiological activities of plants and the production- increase effects of rare earth fertilizers on crops.
Journal of Lvliang Education College
whole- vacuolar patch - clamp recording, SV- type channel current, Cytosolic Ca2 + , Nd3 + .