
柑桔黑斑病的发病特点及检测方法研究进展 被引量:3

Advances in Occurrence Characteristics and Detection Methods of Citrus Black Spot
摘要 柑桔黑斑病(Citrus Black Spot,CBS)是一种真菌性病害,主要为害果实,并产生褐色斑点,严重时蔓延至全果,造成果实腐烂,显著影响果实的品质和外观,降低经济价值,被欧美等国列为重要的检疫性病害,近年来该病在我国一些柑桔产区已上升为主要病害。本文主要从柑桔黑斑病的病原菌、发病特点及检测方法等几个方面进行简要的概述。 Citrus Black Spot(CBS) disease is a fungal disease that damages mainly fruits by forming brown spots on fruit surface, leading to fruit rot. It reduces fruit quality, appearance, and economic value. In Europe and America, the disease iS listed as an important quarantine disease. In recent years CBS has become the main disease in some citrus-growing regions in China. In this paper, the pathogenic agent, occurrence characteristics and detection methods of CBS were briefly reviewed.
作者 唐淬 周常勇
出处 《中国南方果树》 北大核心 2012年第3期55-60,共6页 South China Fruits
基金 农业部公益性行业科研专项(200903004-06)资助
关键词 柑桔黑斑病 柑桔球座菌 发生特点 检测方法 citrus black spot Guignardia citricarpa occurrence characteristics detection method
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