
在家庭中开展毒品预防教育的必要性及可行性 被引量:3

On Necessity and Feasibility of Conducting Drug Prevention Education in Household
摘要 近年来,我国青少年吸毒人数增长较快,吸毒产生的危害性已成为社会普遍关注的问题。青少年吸毒成瘾与社会环境、人格养成和家庭背景等多种因素密切相关,其中家庭因素是可能导致青少年吸毒成瘾的主要因素,也是可能导致青少年产生其他问题行为的因素。因此,在家庭中开展预防药物滥用的工作将会对青少年其他的风险行为产生有益的影响。本文通过探讨易产生青少年吸毒问题的家庭行为特点及其影响因素,试图对家庭有针对性地开展毒品的预防和教育工作提供一点积极的建议和参考,这将对我国毒品预防教育的全面开展具有重要的意义。 Recent years, the number of juvenile drug users increases rapidly. The harm ot drug abuse has been a issue widely concerned in the society. There are multiple factors accountable for the juvenile drug de- pendents, such as the social environment, personality development, family background and etc., among which, tile family factor is the main reason leading to juvenile drug abuse, as well as other juvenile delinquen- cy. Thus, conducting drug prevention education in household will bring beneficial impact for preventing possi- ble risks of young people. This essay has discussed the traits and influences of family behaviors which may lead to juvenile drug abuse. And it provides some suggestion and reference for carrying out drug prevention and education work on household level, which will have significant meaning for the overall implementation of drug prevention and education of China.
作者 郭莲
机构地区 云南警官学院
出处 《云南警官学院学报》 2012年第3期32-38,共7页 The Journal of Yunnan Police College
关键词 毒品 预防教育 家庭 青少年 Drug Prevention Education Household Juvenile
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