
GaAs表面硫钝化工艺新研究 被引量:6

Novel Type of Sulf-Solution for GaAs Surface Passivation
摘要 为得到GaAs表面稳定的钝化层,以(NH4)2S为主要对象,首先研究不同溶剂对钝化效果的影响,得出溶液极性越小,钝化效果越好的结论;研制出一种新的钝化溶液:Se+(NH4)2S+叔丁醇。通过光致发光(PL)谱对比(NH4)2S+去离子水、(NH4)S2+异丙醇、(NH4)2S+叔丁醇、Se+(NH4)2S+叔丁醇等几种不同含硫溶液钝化GaAs(100)表面的发光特性。通过测试PL发光谱发现,Se+(NH4)2S+叔丁醇溶液处理的GaAs(100)表面发光强度最强,是未做钝化处理的25倍左右。钝化处理后的基片在空气中放置数小时,PL谱未见明显退化。得出Se+(NH4)2S+叔丁醇不论从发光强度还是稳定性来说,都是较为理想的钝化溶液。 A novel type of sulf-solution has been successfully developed to passivate the GaAs (100) wafer sur- faces. The newly developed sulf-solution mainly contains Se + (NH4)2S + t - C4H9OH. The influence of the different sulf- solutions, such as (NH4)2S + H20 (de-ionized water), (NI-I4)2S + C3H7OH, (NH4)2S + t - C4H9OH, and Se + (NH4)2S + t- C4H9OH,on the passivation of the GaAs surfaces was characterized and compared with argon ion excited photolumi- nence (PL) spectroscopy. The preliminary results show that the sulf-solution, Se + (NH4)2S + t - C4H9OH, outperforms all the other three sulf-solutions. For instance, after immersion in the Se + (NH4)2S + t - C4H9OH solution at 50℃ for 20 min, the PL intensity was found to be 25 times higher than that of the control sample; no PL-intensity degeneration was observed after exposure to air for three hours.
出处 《真空科学与技术学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期376-378,共3页 Chinese Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61177019,61176048) 实验基金项目(9140C3102071001)
关键词 砷化镓 钝化 光致发光 非辐射复合 GaAs, Passivation, Photoluminescence, Non-radiation recombination
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