
PHILOS与TEN内固定治疗大龄儿童转子下骨折的疗效对比 被引量:6

Comlmrison of dinical efficacy of femoral subtrochanteric fractures using PHILOS and TEN approaches in chil-dren
摘要 目的比较PHILOS与TEN治疗大龄儿童转子下骨折的临床疗效。方法2006年8月至2009年8月收治42例大龄儿童转子下骨折,分别采用PHILOS锁定固定17例年龄8-15岁的股骨转子下骨折患儿,并将其与同期进行、一般资料具有可比性,采用弹性钉固定治疗的25例患儿进行比较,对两组的住院期问各项指标、患儿骨折愈合时间、Beaty评分、Theologis评分及髋关节功能等进行对比分析。结果PHILOS组平均随访时间37.5个月,TEN组平均随访44.8个月,两组骨折愈合时间、Beaty评分、Theologis评分及髋关节功能差异无统计学意义,但手术时间及出血量差异等住院期间各项指标差别有统计学意义。结论PHILOS与TEN的总体临床疗效相当,均可作为目前治疗儿童转子下骨折较好的内固定方式。骨科医生应根据患儿骨折类型特点、患儿及父母的选择、术者的手术操作的熟练度等综合考虑选择相应的固定方式。 Objective To investigate the radiographic and functional outcomes of PHILOS and TEN in treatment of subtrochanteric femur fractures in children. Methods Between Aug 2004 and Aug 2009, 42 children aging 8 to 15 years associated with subtrochanteric femur fractures underwent therapy. Among them 17 cases were treated using PHILOS and 25 cases were treated with TEN ap proach respectively. Results All patients were followed up for 24 to 72 months, in which PHILOS ap- proach follow up was averagely 37.5 months and TEN was 44. 8 months. The fracture healing time. early radiological outcomes (evaluated by Beaty criterion), late radiological outcomes (evaluated by Theologis criterion) and Sanders scoring were presented similar results between two groups (P〉 0. I)5), while significant difference could be seen in operation time and blood loss (P〈0. 05). Conclu- sions Both PHILOS and TEN approaches can bring better clinical efficacy to children with femoral subtrochanteric fractures and no differences are found in them. The exact approach that is employed in practice should be referred to the fracture type, expectation of children and their parents, as well as the proficiency bv surgeon.
出处 《中华小儿外科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期417-420,共4页 Chinese Journal of Pediatric Surgery
关键词 转子下骨折 内固定器 骨折固定术 儿童 Subtrochanteric fractures Internal fixators Fracture fixation, internal Child
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