5United States Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy, Annum Report,2000,p. 11.
6Eytan Gilboa, "Media Diplomacy: Conceptual Divergence and Applicativas," The Harvard International Journal of Press / Politics , Summer , 1998 , Vol ,3, Issue 3.
7J Herbert Altschull, Agents of Power:The Media and Public Policy, Addison - Wesley Pub Co., 1995, pp. 18 - 19.
8David R Pearce, Wary Partners: Dijplomats and the Media,An Institute for the Study of Diplomacy Book, Washington D C : Congressional Quarterly, 1995,p.22.
9Patrick O' Heffeman, Mass Media and American Foreign Policy, Ablea: Publishing House, 1991 ,p.41.
10Rosaleen Smyth, "Mapping US Public Diplomacy in the 21^th Century," Australian Journal of International Affairs, Vol.55, No.3,2001 ,p.427.