
基于Argo资料的三维盐度场网格化产品重构 被引量:5

Reconstruction of three-dimensional gridded salinity product based on Argo data
摘要 针对标准化海洋盐度场产品较为匮乏的事实,利用Argo温盐观测剖面与卫星遥感海表温度资料,采用时空权重插值和多变量DINEOF方法,对太平洋区域2000年1月至2008年12月的三维逐周盐度场进行重构。提出的重构方法有2个明显特色,一是采用时空权重插值与多变量DINEOF相结合的方法,弥补了时空权重插值结果中包含缺失数据的不足;二是引入卫星遥感海表温度,弥补了Argo可靠海表数据的缺乏。重构再分析产品与其他观测和数据产品的对比结果表明,重构产品不但能够抓住盐度分布的主要模态特征,而且可表现盐度不同时间尺度的变化特征,为海洋和气候研究提供了一种有用的标准化数据新产品。 Aiming at the shortage of standard salinity fields, based on Argo temperature/salinity profiles and salellite-derived sea surface temperature (SST), a combined technique of spatial-temperal weighted in- terpolation and multivariate data interpolating empirical orthogonal function (MDINEOF) was applied to reconstructing weekly three-dimensional salinity fields in the Pacific Ocean for the period from January 2000 to December 2008. The methodology that was used has two Obvious features: one is the combination of spatial-temporal weighted interpolation and MDINEOF methods to make up for the missing value in the spatial-temporal weighted interpolation, and the other is the inclusion of satellite-derived SST to make up for the lack of reliable surface data from Argo. Comparison with other observations and data products indi- cates that this gridded product captures the main patterns of the salinity distribution as well as its variabili- ty on various time scales, thus providing a useful new dataset for ocean and climate studies.
出处 《解放军理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI 北大核心 2012年第3期342-348,共7页 Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家973计划资助项目(2007CB816005) 中-加国际科技合作资助项目(2008DFA22230)
关键词 ARGO资料 多变量DINEOF 盐度 数据重构 时空权重插值 Argo data MDINEOF salinity data reconstruction spatial-temporal weighted interpolation
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