特殊凿井技术作为深厚表土不稳定含水地层的井筒施工方法 ,数十年来在我国得到了很大的发展 ,目前我国的冻结法凿井应用之广在世界上已名列前茅 ;钻井法凿井所竣工的淮南谢桥西风井等深大井筒 ,更是世界上所罕见的 ,综合技术达到国际先进水平。介绍了我国特殊凿井技术的发展过程和目前的技术水平 ;
As a shaft sinking method adapted to go through unstable water bearing strata in thick alluvium, special shaft sinking methods have experienced major development in China during the past decades. At the present time, shaft sinking method by freezing is so widely used that it has become the most frequently used shaft sinking method of the world. Large diameter and deep shaft such as the western ventilation shaft of Xieqiao Mine in Huainan mining area was completd by drilling method. This shaft together with some other shafts of its kind are constructed at such a high technical level that they are regarded as rare cases in the world. The article also gives a brief introduction to the history and present technical status of special shaft sinking methods used in China as well as comments on the future tasks and prospects.
China Coal