
考虑批量订货成本的最优JIT订货与生产策略 被引量:4

Optimal JIT Ordering and Setup Strategy with Lot-Size Ordering Cost Considered
摘要 由于增大单次订单量会降低企业订货灵活性,为此引入批量订货成本来衡量采购商从下达订单到收货期间所面临的与订货批量相关的风险成本。采购商通过综合权衡订货成本、运输成本、库存成本以及批量订货成本,从而得出合理的最优订货批量。基于由采购商和供应商组成的供应链,首先在JIT批量分解模式下,研究考虑批量订货成本后,集中式决策和分散式决策下的最优订货和生产策略。由于分散式决策下一方利益最大化时的最优决策常常是另一方无法接受的,进而分析了上下游企业间的不同议价能力,给出了双方均可接受的订货与生产策略。 As large lot size per order may decrease the flexibility of the buyer, lot-size ordering cost is in- troduced to measure the buyer's risk cost related to the lot size during the time period from ordering to re- ceiving. By comprehensively assessing the costs resulting from ordering, transporting, inventory, and lot- size ordering, the buyer can find the optimal lot size. Based on the results obtained, the lot-size ordering problem is studied for a supply chain composed of one buyer and one supplier. For such a supply chain, with just in time (JIT) lot-splitting strategy, optimal ordering and setup strategies can be found for both centralized and decentralized decision-making modes. Then, the bargaining power of both sides is analyzed and a method to yield a strategy that is acceptable by both sides is proposed.
作者 周欣
出处 《工业工程》 北大核心 2012年第3期35-40,共6页 Industrial Engineering Journal
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70832005) 上海市教委科研创新资助项目(2311158)
关键词 批量订货成本 及时配送(JIT) 供应链 lot-size ordering cost just in time (JIT) supply chain
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