
工业化时期英国的土地流转与社会心态 被引量:5

UK Social Mentality and the Flow of the Estate during Industrialization
摘要 工业化时期的英国土地具有巨大的经济价值,以贵族、乡绅等为代表的土地阶级垄断了土地、掌控了政权,使土地获得了超经济价值的社会属性,成为政治权力和社会声望的基础。为获取政治权力,永久性地融入中上层社会,旧的土地家族、工商业者及其他职业者竞相购置土地。以土地为介质获得贵族和乡绅头衔,融入土地阶级,进而掌握政权成为一种社会心态。同时,因筹措圈地资金而需要出卖的土地,圈地后自耕农出售的土地,旧地主因为欠债而抛售的土地,土地家族为强化主体地产而卖掉的外围土地不断涌向市场。这样,以地产为工具加盟土地阶级、进而掌控政权的社会心态,成为工业化时期英国土地流动的一种重要推动力量。 In the period of UK industrialization,when the land had huge economic value,the landed class,composed of the nobility,gentry and owner-peasant,monopolized the estate and regime in Britain.The estate of Britain had a social characteristic beyond its economic value,being the base of political power and social fame.The old landed family,people of every occupation and industrialist competed to buy land in order to gain political power and permanently melt in the middle and upper rank of the society.It became a social mentality to attain the title of nobility and gentry,merge into landed class and hold regime.At the same time,many kinds of estate were on market to be sold,which included the estate for raising enclosure money,the estate sold by owner-peasant after enclosure,the estate sold by the old landed family owing to heavy debt,the peripheral estate sold by the landed family in order to strengthen the main estate.Thus,the social mentality to get hold of political power by means of land turned to be the important impetus of estate flow in the market during industrialization.
作者 郭爱民
出处 《世界历史》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期58-68,159,共11页 World History
基金 中国博士后科学基金第四批特别资助项目"农民的生产 消费 储蓄与社会转型"(资助编号:201104533)的阶段性成果 2011年教育部人文社会科学研究项目"工业化时期英国的土地流动与经营"(项目批准号:11YJA770012)的资助
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