human library概念引入我国时间虽然很短,但近年来研究进展迅速,在图情领域形成了研究热点。系统回顾我国human library研究历程,总结其本土研究短期内飞跃发展、前瞻创新性强及与高校职能结合研究较为充分等特征,从加快理论成果的实践转化、深入挖掘泛社会涵义、架构有机研究体系、加强与国外研究交流等方面提出发展建议。
Though with short history, the human library research in China has made big progress in the recent years and formed a hotspot in the field of library and information. Through systematic review of the study course, such characteristics as rapid development in short time to a relatively high level, forward-looking innovation and strong combination with the function of the universities are summed up. Proposals like speeding up the transformation from theory to practice, digging deeper for pan-social implications, building up organic research system and strengthening exchanges with foreign scholars are followed by.
Library and Information Service