
片基带指形接头数控冲床的有限元分析与优化 被引量:1

Finite element analysis and optimization of belt with finger-joint CNC punch
摘要 为了验证片基带指形接头数控冲床床身的刚度是否满足设计要求,建立了床身有限元模型,运用ANSYS软件对其进行了有限元分析与计算,研究了其在公称载荷下床身的变形与应力分布情况;根据静态分析结果,对床身进行了结构改进,通过分析得到了一个最优的结构改进方案;在此基础上,进一步对支承件的截面尺寸进行优化,得到了一个满意的结果。研究结果表明,优化后床身上梁变形量降低了24.1%,下梁变形量降低了30.1%,有效地提高了床身刚性,达到了设计要求。 In order to verify whether the belt with finger-joint CNC punch bed stiffness meets the design requirements, the finite element model of the bed was established, the finite element analysis(FEA) and calculation through the software ANSYS were done, then the deformation and the stress distribution of the bed in the nominal pressure stroke were researched. According to the above results, the structure of the lathe was improved. Meanwhile, the best improved scheme was found. On basis of this, the cross-section sizes of support parts were further optimized and a satisfactory result was achieved. The results show that the amount of deformation on the top beam and bottom beam are reduced by 24.1% and 30.1% respectively,the stiffness of the base is improved effectively,meets the design requirements.
出处 《机电工程》 CAS 2012年第8期923-925,953,共4页 Journal of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering
关键词 片基带 数控冲床 有限元分析 优化设计 beh CNC punch finite element analysis(FEA) optimum design
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