1Frederick R Karl, American Fictions 1940-1980(New York:Harper & Row Publimbers, 1983), p.562, p. 524,0.525, p.523.
2Conversations with Norman Mailer, Ed.J. Michacl Lennon(Jacson: University Press of Mississippi, 1988), p. 265,p.229,pp.236-237, p.264,p.235,p.265.
3The Harper American Lilerature, Ed. Donald Moquade. 2nd ed (New York: Harper Collins College Publishers, Inc., 1993), P. 1763, p.2177.
4Norman. Mailer, "The White Negro, " In American Literature Survey: Twentieth Century, Ed. Stem Milton ( New York: The Viking Press, Inc., 1975, p.355, P.364, pp. 361-371, p.356.
5Norman Mailer, The Executioner's Song(New York: Warner Books, Inc., 1979).
6William K. Kilpatrick, Why Johnny Can't Tell Right from Wrong ( New York: St. Martin's Press, 1944), p.218.