2008―2010年,对寄生于新疆卡拉麦里与普氏野马同域生活的家马体内的黑腹胃蝇(Gasterophilus pecorum)进行了实验室培养和野外行为观察。将收集到的920只3龄幼虫进行室内培养,结果成功化蛹35个(3.80%),化蛹期为13~27d,巅峰期为18~20d(42.86%);17个(48.57%)个体羽化,羽化期为15~27d,巅峰期为21~22d(22.86%)。在这些羽化的成蝇当中雄性占11.76%,雌性占88.24%,雄雌比为0.13;其存活期为2~8d,较大存活率发生在第4-6天(58.82%)。3龄幼虫体长(13.2±7.0)mm,体宽(5.1±4.0)mm,体质量(241±30)mg。相关性分析表明,幼虫的体长、体宽和体质量与成蝇的性别无相关性。交尾行为没有在野外或者靠近的马体的周围环境中发现,羽化初期有梳理和寻求寄主行为。黑腹胃蝇的卵在马的体表和植物茎叶上也均未发现。
Objectives of this study were to analyze morphological characteristics of third instar larva of Gasterophilus pecorum and behavior of adult flies by laboratory culture and field observation from 2008 to 2010. G. pecorurn larva parasitize inside bodies of local domestic horses that live sympatricly in the strictly protected area with reintroduced Przewalski horses (gquus ferus przewalskii) in Kalamaili of Xinjiang. A total of 920 third instar larva were collected and cultured, of which 35 (2.9%) individuals pupated suc- cessfully and pupal period of G. pecorum varied from 13 to 27 days with a peck between 18th and 20 th days (42.86%). 17 (48.57%) individuals emerged and emergence period varied from 15 to 27 clays with a peck between 21 th and 22 th days (22.86%), of which 11. 76% were males and 88.24% were females with a sexual ratio of 0. 13. Their longevity varied from 2 to 8 days, but the higher frequency was found from 4 to 6 days (58.82%). It was observed that length, width and weight of larvae bodies were (13.2± 7.0) mm, (5. 1±4.0) mm and (241±30) mg, respectively. However, correlation analysis demonstrated that the length, width and weight of larvae bodies did not correlate with sex of adult flies. Results obtained from field investigation showed that mating behavior of G. Decorum was not observed in the wild field or near the horse. Host seeking and grooming behavior at the early emergence period was found. The eggs of G. pecorurn were not found on the host surface and stems or leaves of plants.
Pratacultural Science
Gasterophilus pecorum
third instar larvae
pupation period
emergence period