
身体锻炼的动机——自我决定理论研究进展 被引量:7

Motive of Physical Practice
摘要 通过对自我决定理论在西方锻炼心理学中的研究现状的综述,以期展示西方锻炼心理学的最新研究成果。自我决定理论的分支理论因果定向理论和有机整合理论很好地构建了身体锻炼动机的概念以及外部动机进行内化的行为调节过程。基本心理需要理论很好地解释了身体锻炼的心理效应。自我决定理论在西方锻炼心理学中的应用研究主要包括如何通过社会支持来激发锻炼者的自主性动机,以及对锻炼者进行动机激发和锻炼行为干预的策略。 The paper summerizes the current researches of the self determination theory in the western sports psychology to reveal the latest findings of the western sports psychology. Cause-effect orientation theory and integration theory, branches of the self determination theory, explain the connotation of motivation of physical practice and the behaviour ad- justment process of internalizing the external motivation. The basic psychological demand theory explains the psychological effect of physical practice. The application researches of self determination theory in the western sports psychology mainly include stimulating the autonomous motivation of the sports practitioners through social support, stimulating the motivation and intervene the sports behavior of the sports practitioners.
作者 解缤
出处 《体育成人教育学刊》 2012年第4期40-43,共4页 Journal of Sports Adult Education
关键词 自我决定理论 身体锻炼动机 锻炼行为干预 self determination theory physical practice motivation sports practice behavior intervention
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